Adult ADD/ADHD Assessment and Treatment
The Bay Area Center for ADD/ADHD provides assessment and treatment for adults who are struggling with attention and concentration problems, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity. Years ago it was believed that children outgrew ADD/ADHD as they became adults, but as we now know, this is not true.
Adult ADHD effects nearly 5% of the adult population. In order to make access to assessment and treatment easier, we have offices to treat adult ADHD in San Francisco, Marin, the East Bay, and the Peninsula. At the Bay Area Center for ADD/ADHD, we start off with assessing whether it is in fact ADD/ADHD that you or your loved ones may be experiencing. We can do this in a session or two, or do a more extensive assessment which will help determine the diagnosis as well as provide a profile of strengths and weaknesses. Once it has been determined whether or not it is ADD/ADHD, we can then provide a plan for treatment that may include medication, coaching, therapy, or group therapy. Our professionals work collaboratively to help you succeed in your goals and dreams. To schedule a free phone consultation or to set up an appointment with us, call (415) 547-0241 or click the button below.
Symptoms of ADD/ADHD in Adults
Providing Trusted, Compassionate, Effective Therapy
Providing Trusted, Compassionate, Effective Therapy
(415) 547-0241